
Anubhava Youth Club - AYC, Delhi

Mission Statement: Anubhava Youth Club is a Non-Profit making, Non-Government, Voluntary organization based in Delhi working for the youth empowerment. AYC is a platform provide the young generation to put their views to bring Positive Change in the Society so as to make it a better place for Living.

Today's young people are overall the best educated generation of youth in history. However, for many young people, the transition to adulthood is slowed down by poverty and their inability to find decent work.
(UN Report)


- To strengthen the existing youth agencies and foster development of new agencies in the area of youth mobilization on environment, rural and community development, health, population, cultural heritage, habitat, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of child & youth, national integration peace;
- To assist and guide member organizations to conduct all kinds of activities in the field of youth development, mobilization and education;
- To set up training center’s, to assist members in research and evaluation to help members with advice and other means in raising funds, and to act as a liaison between members and other agencies.
- To arrange seminars, conferences, workshops to discuss and study the problems faced by the members, issues concerning youth development, health and environment and to provide training to the member organizations in various aspects of project planning, budget, implementation and evaluation.